Dresscode :/
You walk into school, wave while walking past teachers and administrators and go on with your day. Until second period, where you get called down to the office.
“Do you know why you're here?”
“No…” you respond confused.
They point at that half inch part of your stomach showing under your sweater, or how your shoulders show, or how your shorts are “too short.”
Dress Code is something ALL girls worry about. Walking out of your house feeling confident in your outfit, just to get to school and being told to go down to the nurses office to get one of those old, smelly tee shirts to change into. But why isnt it like this for guys? Why when girls dress the way they want it's such an issue?
Some may say “boys are distracted by shoulders,” “what you're wearing is too provocative,” (when it's literally just a tank top). Everytime girls leave the house for school they think about this. And look. I get it. Obviously dont come into school in a bikini, but shorts and tank top, straps or no straps, should be allowed. I think the argument of where there should be a dress code or not has taken place in most school districts. I know it's something I definitely feel passionate about. We should be able to wear what we are comfortable in, without trying to hide that sliver of stomach that shows while walking down the halls, or feeling really good in that dress but maybe it's too short.
How is it Affecting Us?
Honestly, I think the administration believes the dress code will create a positive impact on students-but no. They do just the opposite. They are used to shame students, embarrass them, and target females.
Why Do We Need to Rid the Dress Code for Good?
Confidence is so important for girls today, especially teenagers. The clothes we wear affect our mood, behavior, confidence and personality and who knows, maybe by wearing what we want we will even perform better academically, but not wasting time getting pulled out from class to get spoken to. Overall, no one should be told what to wear. Know your limits, everyone should. But for a simple view of a girl's shoulder, or short that might not come down to her knee, THAT SHOULD BE OKAY. School districts NEED to get rid of rules that undermine women and affect them greatly.
It's a controversial topic. It always has been, and probably always will be. But as a girl myself, I have seen first hand what it's like to feel brought down because I've had to change my shirt that was nowhere near inappropriate. So what do you think? Do you think we need a dress code?
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